FOCUS North America

Mission, Vision & Values


As an expression of Christ’s love, FOCUS exists to serve the poor by bringing together Orthodox Christian churches and community partners to provide Food, Occupation, Clothing, Understanding, and Shelter and other assistance to address the needs of local communities.


We envision world where everyone experiences and shares the transformative love of Christ.


The Fellowship of Orthodox Christians United to Serve, an Orthodox Christian nonprofit, works to address the ultimate cause of poverty in the world: disconnection from Christ and disconnection from one another. It does this by providing people with opportunities to serve alongside and discover their kinship with others while addressing needs in their local communities.

FOCUS promises to…

provide Orthodox Christians with opportunities to serve and connect with people from their local communities

prepare Orthodox Christians for these service opportunities

ensure the physical, emotional, and spiritual safety of its clients and volunteers to the best of its abilities

be transparent and honest with stakeholders 

abide with people in a willing, kind, and loving way

treat everyone with dignity and respect

understand and address the unique needs that exist in local communities as it is able


All Are Welcome!

All of FOCUS North America’s services are provided without discrimination of any kind. We do not require any faith commitment from anyone we help.